New electronics workbench build

Replacing the old par­ti­cle­board desk­top with a new bam­boo coun­ter­top and adjustable leg workbench.

Electronics shop workbench
Moving some equip­ment onto the work­bench before shelve install

I had quick­ly run out of room for all my test equip­ment on my orig­i­nal desk­top table that I used for elec­tron­ics work. Leaving me around 1.5 sq/ft of usable area for my projects.
With the win­ning of an Ebay bid for a vin­tage Tektronix dig­i­tal oscil­lo­scope, I was out of room. Continue read­ing “New elec­tron­ics work­bench build”

The DIY Open EVSE Project

The Open EVSE project includes hard­ware and soft­ware for charg­ing elec­tric vehi­cles and plug-in hybrids using the J1772 stan­dard.OpenEVSE4.23topA cur­rent DIY Open EVSE V4.23 com­plet­ed board

I start­ed work­ing with the Open EVSE project back in 2011 when I leased my first Nissan Leaf elec­tric car. Chris Howell had start­ed a post on the “My Nissan Leaf” forum and built a few pro­to­type boards to test. Then Lincomatic began work­ing on soft­ware and things began to real­ly pick up speed. Chris made the DIY Open EVSE open source on 27 October 2011, and the first boards start­ed ship­ping in late December.
Unfortunately there was a long wait­ing list to get the boards, so I decid­ed to make one for myself using the EagleCAD files pro­vid­ed from Chris.

Continue read­ing “The DIY Open EVSE Project”

10K ohm reference resistor

A quick and easy project to mount a pre­ci­sion 10K ohm resis­tor for use as a ref­er­ence standard.

10KreferenceFront0110K resis­tor enclo­sure front panel

To go along with my Quad pre­ci­sion volt­age ref­er­ence I want­ed to add an accu­rate resis­tance ref­er­ence to my bench equipment.
I decid­ed on a 10K ohm pre­ci­sion resis­tor from Vishay Foil Resistors.
The resis­tor is a Z series ultra high pre­ci­sion Z‑Foil though-hole resis­tor with a TCR of ± 0.05 ppm/°C, Tolerance of ± 0.005 % (50 ppm), Load Life Stability of ± 0.005 %, and rat­ed at 0.6 Watts.

Continue read­ing10K ohm ref­er­ence resistor”

Voltage Reference Quad Project

Precision Reference Standard Quad front panel

After see­ing sev­er­al oth­er volt­age ref­er­ence projects online and many more assem­bled boards on Ebay, I decid­ed to put togeth­er my own ver­sion of a mul­ti-out­put mod­ule that I could use for pro­to­typ­ing ADC, and oth­er projects.
I need­ed at least a 2.048 volt and a 4.096 volt pre­ci­sion ref­er­ence. An extreme­ly high accu­ra­cy 5.000 volt ref­er­ence was also on my list. I already had an enclo­sure on hand that I want­ed to use, but in my ear­ly mock ups the three out­puts on the front pan­el just did­n’t look right. So for good mea­sure a 2.500 volt ref­er­ence was added to the project.

The 4.096 volt and low­er ref­er­ence IC’s only required a sta­ble 5 volt sup­ply, but the 5.000 volt ref­er­ence IC required a min­i­mum of 9 volts and prefer­ably 10 volts for max­i­mum sta­bil­i­ty. So a sep­a­rate add-on board was designed to sup­ply 9 or 10 volts along with a warm-up timer and bat­tery low volt­age alert.

Continue read­ing “Voltage Reference Quad Project”