Version 2.12 of the Programable Voltage Reference

I just received the ver­sion 2.12 bare cir­cuit boards from OSH Park

Programmable Voltage Reference Version 2.12 circuit board top
Programmable Voltage Reference Version 2.12 cir­cuit board top

OSH Park did a fan­tas­tic job with the rout­ing cutouts. Noticed a few small sol­der mask issues that were total­ly my fault, but are most­ly aes­thet­ics and not func­tion­al issues. Just fin­ished an inven­to­ry of parts on hand and should begin assem­bly of the sur­face mount com­po­nents tomor­row night. So far I do not see any problems.

The I2C 7 seg­ment dis­play boards are work­ing well and have been thor­ough­ly test­ed. I end­ed up mak­ing a batch of 9 boards to pair with my exist­ing LED dis­plays. The dim­ming func­tion worked out good and is easy to set.

4 X 7 segment display I2C boards after reflow
4 X 7 seg­ment dis­play I2C boards after reflow
Programmable Voltage Reference Display 4.064 volts
Programmable Voltage Reference Display 4.064 volts with bright­ness set at 5/16ths


3 Replies to “Version 2.12 of the Programable Voltage Reference”

    1. Hi Tron9000,
      The cam­era makes the blue 7‑segment dis­play look brighter than it actu­al­ly is. The bright­ness is also adjustable thru the soft­ware inter­face. After the com­ple­tion of the project, I did end up adding a polar­iz­ing fil­ter to the dis­play to improve con­trast with the added ben­e­fit of also reduc­ing over­all brightness.

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