Current projects in various stages of completion

I currently have around seven projects and reviews in various stages of completion. Some are in the prototype stage and others such as the OpenEnergyMonitor EmonTX 3.2 board pictured above 99% complete and ready to install. This EmonTX 3.2 board will be part of my home
energy management system along with a Raspberry Pi based EmonPi base station, and several other wireless modules.

Still in the prototype stage is a 7 segment clock, that utilizes a DS1307 real time clock module from Sparkfun Electronics. The case for it arrived this weekend so the project is about ready for assembly. This will use the same 7 segment LED I2C backpack board that I used in the
Programmable Voltage Reference project.

With a lot of spare components from the prototype and V2.12 Programmable Voltage Reference boards, I decided to build up a spare board for testing. The DAC on this board required only 1 calibration offset to be programmed in, and is extremely linear thru it’s entire output range. I am interested to see how it ages with time.

I ordered an Atmel ATTINY104 Xplained nano development board from Digikey, but haven’t had time to do anything other than a quick power up under Atmel Studio 7.0 Everything work great right out of the box, so hopefully a more detailed review in the near future.

Partial assembly of 1UP Keyboards DIY no-solder USB cable kits that I purchased from Massdrop. It took forever to received these kits just due to the nature of Massdrop, but I really like that you can match up cable lengths, paracord colors, heat shrink color, and USB connector types. Had one small problem with a connector, but will have a full review when completed.

Still waiting on one part for this Fluke 189 multimeter IR to USB link adapter circuit board. This adapts the optical serial interface on the Fluke meter to a computer for data logging and control. I will have a full project page for this when completed.
Hopefully another post and maybe a completed project next weekend.