Current Projects

Current projects in various stages of completion

OpenEnergyMonitor compact EMON-TX 3.2 board
OpenEnergyMonitor com­pact EMON-TX 3.2 board

I cur­rent­ly have around sev­en projects and reviews in var­i­ous stages of com­ple­tion. Some are in the pro­to­type stage and oth­ers such as the OpenEnergyMonitor EmonTX 3.2 board pic­tured above 99% com­plete and ready to install. This EmonTX 3.2 board will be part of my home
ener­gy man­age­ment sys­tem along with a Raspberry Pi based EmonPi base sta­tion, and sev­er­al oth­er wire­less modules.

Atmel 328P based 7 segment clock with RTC for my wifes desk
Atmel 328P based 7 seg­ment clock with RTC for my wifes desk

Still in the pro­to­type stage is a 7 seg­ment clock, that uti­lizes a DS1307 real time clock mod­ule from Sparkfun Electronics. The case for it arrived this week­end so the project is about ready for assem­bly. This will use the same 7 seg­ment LED I2C back­pack board that I used in the
Programmable Voltage Reference project.

7 Segment LED I2C display assembly
7 Segment LED I2C dis­play assembly
Building up a second Programmable Voltage Reference board for testing.
Building up a sec­ond Programmable Voltage Reference board for testing.

With a lot of spare com­po­nents from the pro­to­type and V2.12 Programmable Voltage Reference boards, I decid­ed to build up a spare board for test­ing. The DAC on this board required only 1 cal­i­bra­tion off­set to be pro­grammed in, and is extreme­ly lin­ear thru it’s entire out­put range. I am inter­est­ed to see how it ages with time.

Atmel ATTINY 104 microprocessor development board review
Atmel ATTINY 104 micro­proces­sor devel­op­ment board for test­ing and review

I ordered an Atmel ATTINY104 Xplained nano devel­op­ment board from Digikey, but haven’t had time to do any­thing oth­er than a quick pow­er up under Atmel Studio 7.0 Everything work great right out of the box, so hope­ful­ly a more detailed review in the near future.

1UP Keyboards DIY no-solder USB cable kits
1UP Keyboards DIY no-sol­der USB cable kits

Partial assem­bly of 1UP Keyboards DIY no-sol­der USB cable kits that I pur­chased from Massdrop. It took for­ev­er to received these kits just due to the nature of Massdrop, but I real­ly like that you can match up cable lengths, para­cord col­ors, heat shrink col­or, and USB con­nec­tor types. Had one small prob­lem with a con­nec­tor, but will have a full review when completed.

Fluke 189 IR to USB adapter circuit board
Fluke 189 IR to USB adapter cir­cuit board

Still wait­ing on one part for this Fluke 189 mul­ti­me­ter IR to USB link adapter cir­cuit board. This adapts the opti­cal ser­i­al inter­face on the Fluke meter to a com­put­er for data log­ging and con­trol. I will have a full project page for this when completed.

Hopefully anoth­er post and maybe a com­plet­ed project next weekend.

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