The HP 11456A Read Out Test Card is a nifty little test board that plugs into the HP 3470 series display modules. I really wish that I had had one of these, before I started working on my faulty HP 34740A display module.

There are a few old pictures of the original 11456A Test Cards to be found on the internet, but finding an actual physical one seems next to impossible. But to check and troubleshoot a standalone 3470 series display module without a plug-on module attached can be very difficult without one.
It can be done with a multitude of jumpers, but even then many of the test-points still are not easy to access. Many of the troubleshooting techniques in the service manual are based on utilizing the 11456A Test Card.

I decided to build my own version of the HP 11456A test card just in case I needed it for future repairs, and also because I was curious about how the card worked to operate the display module in stand-alone mode.
I used EagleCAD V7.7 for designing the board, and had it fabricated by OSH Park.
In all actuality, it is a fairly simple board with fixed jumpers for power and signals, test points, four switches, and a resistor.

I was unable to find the exact value used for the resistor R1 used between the Direct Input and the Leakage Test Input. So I guessed at a value of 10 Megaohm for the resistor. The service manual states “A difference of more than 2 counts in the zero reading when these pins are connected to GND 1 indicates a leaky FET.” and when testing the 34740A display using the 10 Megaohm resistor I saw a difference of 1 count, jumping to 2 counts infrequently. So I guess that my FET is most likely not leaky, if the resistor is correct.
Edit: Thanks to Jim Adney, after checking his original 11456A board, I now know that the value for R1 is 3.9 MOhm (orange/white/green/silver).

The component list for the 11456A Test Card is short, and includes:
- 4 each ATE1D-2J3-10‑Z SWITCH TOGGLE SPDT 50MA 48V
- 30 each 2110–2‑00–80-00–00-07–0 TERM TURRET SINGLE L=5.84MM TIN
- 1 each 112–050-213R001 CONN SCSI RCPT 50POS R/A SOLDER
- 1 each MBB02070C3904FCT00 RES 3.9M OHM 0.5W 1% AXIAL
To keep costs down I designed the layout to minimize board size, while grouping test points by their function, and allowing just enough spacing for connecting an oscilloscope probe. It is not an exact replica of the original test card as far as layout and size, but provides all the functions of the original.
I did get the switch labeling inverted for High and Normal from the actual physical switch position on the Rev. C version, but that is easy to fix with a stick-on label.
The HP 3470 display modules can be worked on without this card, but the 11456A sure would have made troubleshooting and working on these displays so much easier.
Eagle CAD V7.7 board and schematic ZIP file for TestCardRevD
With updated switch and test point labeling.
OSH Park shared project page for ordering the Rev. D 11456A Test Card