Power Designs D‑series display board update

After the acqui­si­tion of my Power Designs 5015D pow­er sup­ply, I real­ly want­ed to upgrade the dis­play mod­ule so that I had an extra dig­it of res­o­lu­tion. I already had a few ADC/LED meter boards left over from pre­vi­ous projects, but need­ed a dis­play board to pair with it.

Power Designs D‑series dis­play board Rev. 2.4
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Hewlett Packard 3551A Transmission Test Set

Checking out a HP 3551A sold as “For parts or not work­ing, will not pow­er on”, that I actu­al­ly pur­chased for parts.
My orig­i­nal intent on pur­chas­ing this unit was to sal­vage the knobs and con­nec­tors for repair­ing some of my oth­er HP gear. I did man­age to swap out four of the knobs before my curios­i­ty got the bet­ter of me.

HP 3551A front pan­el after repair, quick cleanup, and knob swap
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Hewlett Packard 8012B Pulse Generator

Cleanup and repair of a Hewlett Packard (HP) 8012B pulse gen­er­a­tor pur­chased on Ebay as “Untested does not pow­er on, sold as is”.
The 8012B was orig­i­nal­ly pro­duced by the HP Gmbh Boeblingen Divison, Germany, but this lat­er mod­el was made in USA. It pro­vides vari­able tran­si­tion times down to 5 ns and the rep­e­ti­tion rate can be adjust­ed from 1 Hz to 50 MHz.

Hewlett Packard (HP) 8012B pulse generator
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HP 5300B Counter Plug-On modules

Cleaning up and look­ing at a bunch of plug-on mod­ules for my Hewlett Packard 5300B main­frame mod­ules, after pur­chas­ing a new unit. It seems that I am start­ing to col­lect quite the range of mod­ules for my HP 5300 sys­tems since my orig­i­nal 5300B Measuring System back in 2017.

HP 5300B with 5308A 75MHz Timer/Counter and 5312A HP-IB Interface modules
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HP 34740A display and 34702A Multimeter Modules

As men­tioned in a pre­vi­ous post on the Hewlett Packard 34702A Multimeter mod­ule, I have been look­ing for a 34740A dis­play mod­ule to pair with it. I was lucky to find a mod­ule that was in a good cos­met­ic con­di­tion and untest­ed for a rea­son­able price.

Hewlett Packard 34740A dis­play paired with a 34702A mul­ti­me­ter module
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