Power Designs TP330 Power Supply

I decid­ed to take a gam­ble on pur­chas­ing a Power Designs Inc. TP330 triple out­put pow­er sup­ply. It was a bit rough look­ing with a bunch of stick­ers on the front pan­el, but no scrape marks from past stick­er removal vis­i­ble. The sell­er stat­ed that the bot­tom ana­log meter was non-func­tion­al, but the out­put ter­mi­nals mea­sured volt­age that changed with the volt­age knob.

Power Designs TP330 pow­er sup­ply as received
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Nakamichi BlackBox Series Refresh

I was gen­er­ous­ly donat­ed three Nakamichi BlackBox series units, by the same per­son who donat­ed the “System One” rack from a pre­vi­ous post.
The units were in great con­di­tion, and more than like­ly could have been used as-is. They also sur­pris­ing­ly came with their orig­i­nal own­ers man­u­als, which usu­al­ly get mis­placed or lost over the years.

Nakamichi BlackBox mod­ules PS-100 BA-150 EC-100
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HP 3314A Function Generator Repair

I found a great deal on a Hewlett Packard 3314A 20 MHz func­tion gen­er­a­tor that was non-func­tion­al, but over­all looked to be in good shape. It arrived in great con­di­tion and was well packed for a nice change. The sell­er clear­ly stat­ed the issues with this unit such as errors when start­ed up cold, which wors­ened over time until it final­ly lost the dis­play and LED’s.

Hewlett Packard (HP) 3314A Function Generator operational
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Nakamichi 610 Control Preamplifier Lamp Replacement

I did not take any pic­tures of the ini­tial refur­bish­ment of the Nakamichi 610 con­trol pre­am­pli­fi­er as it was main­ly clean­ing and capac­i­tor replace­ment. But as soon as I thought the work on all the com­po­nents of the System One rack had been com­plet­ed, one of the dB meter lamps failed in the 610 preamp.

Nakamichi 610 con­trol pre­am­pli­fi­er after restoration
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