Revisiting IceTube clock designs and construction, after performing some small repairs on an IceTube clock I built back in 2010.

Barbouri's Electronics Projects
Restoring vintage electronics along with designing and building new circuits. One eye looking into the past, the other looking into the future.
Revisiting IceTube clock designs and construction, after performing some small repairs on an IceTube clock I built back in 2010.
Updating a Hafler DH-110 preamplifier from the early-80’s with new electrolytic capacitors, along with a cleanup and then testing.
Another local Ebay find was this Hewlett Packard HP 403B AC Voltmeter in a protective HP vertical case. The case did an excellent job of protecting the meter over it’s now 48 year life.
Continue reading “Hewlett Packard HP 403B AC Voltmeter Restoration”A very interesting find on Ebay from several years ago was an all steel version of a J.H.W. CLIMAX Co padlock.
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Cleanup and check of a Mettler Instruments K4T single pan top loading balance.
After owning and using this K4T balance for over twelve years, I thought it was time for a full cleanup and accuracy check. When first purchased from Ebay it received a quick cleanup, function, and accuracy check, before I quickly put it to use.
Continue reading “Mettler K4T Balance”