An updated version of the Millivolt Meter project from May 2016, with dual range selection, calibration selection, improved software, and updated board layout.
Continue reading “Millivolt Meter Version 2”Barbouri's Electronics Projects
Restoring vintage electronics along with designing and building new circuits. One eye looking into the past, the other looking into the future.
An updated version of the Millivolt Meter project from May 2016, with dual range selection, calibration selection, improved software, and updated board layout.
Continue reading “Millivolt Meter Version 2”This is a DIY millivolt meter that was originally designed by
Scullcom Hobby Electronics and presented on Youtube.
Definitely take the time to watch the videos (4 parts) as they are very well done and presented in a way that’s easy to follow and learn from.
I was in need of a meter that I could dedicate to low voltage precision readings, and could be done for a reasonable cost. So this project seemed like a perfect fit. As usual after viewing the video I saw many areas that the meter could be modified and improved for my specific use, and quickly began designing my own version of it using Eagle CAD V7.5.
Continue reading “Millivolt Meter”