Power Designs D‑series display board update

After the acqui­si­tion of my Power Designs 5015D pow­er sup­ply, I real­ly want­ed to upgrade the dis­play mod­ule so that I had an extra dig­it of res­o­lu­tion. I already had a few ADC/LED meter boards left over from pre­vi­ous projects, but need­ed a dis­play board to pair with it.

Power Designs D‑series dis­play board Rev. 2.4
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Power Designs Inc. 5015D power supply cleanup and repair

Repair and cleanup of a Power Designs Inc. 5015D pow­er sup­ply that I pur­chased on Ebay.
This was one of the bet­ter look­ing 5015D pow­er sup­plies that I have seen on Ebay, that was not over­priced or includ­ed an over­priced ship­ping charge. The list­ings con­di­tion descrip­tion said ” ful­ly oper­a­tional and func­tions as intended”.

Power Designs Inc. 5015D front pan­el after cleanup and dis­play mod.
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