HP 3314A Function Generator Repair

I found a great deal on a Hewlett Packard 3314A 20 MHz func­tion gen­er­a­tor that was non-func­tion­al, but over­all looked to be in good shape. It arrived in great con­di­tion and was well packed for a nice change. The sell­er clear­ly stat­ed the issues with this unit such as errors when start­ed up cold, which wors­ened over time until it final­ly lost the dis­play and LED’s.

Hewlett Packard (HP) 3314A Function Generator operational
Continue read­ingHP 3314A Function Generator Repair”

Power Designs Inc. 5015D power supply cleanup and repair

Repair and cleanup of a Power Designs Inc. 5015D pow­er sup­ply that I pur­chased on Ebay.
This was one of the bet­ter look­ing 5015D pow­er sup­plies that I have seen on Ebay, that was not over­priced or includ­ed an over­priced ship­ping charge. The list­ings con­di­tion descrip­tion said ” ful­ly oper­a­tional and func­tions as intended”.

Power Designs Inc. 5015D front pan­el after cleanup and dis­play mod.
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New electronics workbench build

Replacing the old par­ti­cle­board desk­top with a new bam­boo coun­ter­top and adjustable leg workbench.

Electronics shop workbench
Moving some equip­ment onto the work­bench before shelve install

I had quick­ly run out of room for all my test equip­ment on my orig­i­nal desk­top table that I used for elec­tron­ics work. Leaving me around 1.5 sq/ft of usable area for my projects.
With the win­ning of an Ebay bid for a vin­tage Tektronix dig­i­tal oscil­lo­scope, I was out of room. Continue read­ing “New elec­tron­ics work­bench build”