After five years and a few prototype revisions of the Version 2.12 Programmable Voltage reference, I decided it was time to update the project based on many requests and lessons learned from prototypes over the years.

A year after completion of the version 2.12 programmable voltage reference (PVR), in 2017 I built another prototype unit based on a Maxim MAX6341 4.096 volt reference. It included a dedicated ‑5 volt supply, and a MAX6126 2.048 volt reference for the Teensy 3.2 board. There were dedicated headers for the serial port and front panel buttons. It was later updated with an inline I2C EEPROM board in 2018, which allowed each millivolt step to have it’s own calibration storage position.

The project remained dormant for several years while I worked on many other projects. After many requests for a 5 volt version of the PVR, I started working on an updated design again last year (2021) at a slow pace. The two main design factors were, providing an output up to 5 volts, and reducing the drift at the output from temperature and humidity changes.
What I ended up with after many iterations, was a 0.001 to 5.000 volt output version 3.14 of the Programmable Voltage Reference, with new components and and upgraded specifications.

Where to start, as there are so many changes in this version, and so many thing that remain the same.
The most obvious change is the LTC6655BH-LS8 5 volt bandgap reference IC from Analog Devices Inc., situated in it’s own special section of the board.
I chose the LS8 package which is a 5mm × 5mm surface mount hermetically sealed unit that provides outstanding stability and no humidity sensitivity. The BH units have a datasheet specification of less than 2ppm/°C and an output voltage accurate to ±0.025%.
The circuit board is routed out around the reference IC footprint, in what I call spider legs. There are four traces on top and four traces on the bottom for 8 legs. The LTC6655 has force and sense connections that utilize the top and bottom traces on one of the legs, which tie together near the reference input on the DAC IC. There is a mounting area outside of the spider legs for a 3D printed enclosure to reduce air currents, and provide thermal stability for the reference IC.

The 3D printed reference enclosure uses several layers of roVa Flex Plus Aerogel Insulation on the front and back housings for increased thermal resistance. The housing is attached with four nylon fillister head 2–56 X 1/2″ screws.

The output filtering capacitors for the LTC6655 reference consists of two Rubycon film ML series capacitors with values of 22 uF and 0.1 uF placed close to the reference and D to A converter IC.
Another change is the Analog Devices Inc. AD5541LRZ 16 bit unbuffered DAC in a 8‑SOIC package. The AD5541 features a 1 µs settling time, low noise performance of 11.8 nV/√Hz, and 1 LSB INL accuracy at 16 bits without adjustment. It is also much easier to solder than the previous AD5060BRJZ in the SOT-23–8 package. I included some tiny 0402 signal line ferrite bead inductors on the SPI lines connected to the DAC after the MAX14930 isolator to reduce digital noise.

The Teensy 3.2 external voltage reference IC changed from a Maxim MAX6126 2.048 volt unit to a MAX6126 2.500 volt version. This keeps the Teensy’s ADC reading 1/2 the output voltage value.
The DAC output buffer op-amp has changed from the LTC1152 to a Texas Instruments OPA388 which features ultra-low noise, fast-settling, zero-drift, and rail-to-rail input and output operation.
Because we are using a 5 volt reference, the analog power rail was increased to 5.3 volts, and is supplied by voltage regulator IC2 which is an ABLIC Inc. S‑1200B53.
The original 2.12 PVR used a digital output from the microprocessor to generate a negative voltage rail, and now uses a Maxim MAX829 switched-capacitor voltage inverter for the ‑5 volt supply.
To power the new 5 volt reference IC, I used a Texas Instruments LP38798 800-mA Ultra-Low-Noise, High-PSRR LDO regulator. It is set to 6.4 volts using resistors R11 and R12, which values are labeled incorrectly on the Ver. 3.14 board. They should be labeled 14.7K and 64.9K Ohms respectively, and have been updated in the Ver 3.15 schematic.

You may have noticed by now that the circuit board is not my standard OSH Park purple soldermask version. I decided to try out OSH Park’s “AfterDark” fabrication service that uses a clear soldermask on a black substrate. I was very happy with the quality of the boards, the clear soldermask gives the black substrate a matte dark grey look, which is fine for my application because I was mainly interested in showing off the copper. By removing the soldermask from areas in the board design it will provide an even darker black look if needed.

The PVR still uses a PJRC Teensy 3.2 (purple edition) microprocessor and requires the removal of the 470 ohm aref resistor, to use the external voltage reference.
Instead of the four digit seven segment display module used in past versions, the version 3.14 PVR uses a slim 2 line by 16 character OLED display using I2C communications. This allows for additional information to be displayed including Set Voltage, Readback Voltage, Calibration Offset, Mode, and Battery Status.
The output step voltage on the PVR 16 bit DAC is 76.2 microvolts with the 5.000 volt reference. So the voltage output can be set to within 38.1 microvolts of the desired voltage by applying an offset calibration adjustment for each millivolt step setting.
After two months (1,400 hours) of “burn-in”, I calibrated each of the 5,000 one millivolt steps that the PVR can output to within 40 uV of the setpoint, and based on testing over the past few weeks it easily stays well within 50 uV of the set voltage even with temperature changes.
I tested the current output capability at 2.5 volts, and was able to output up to 36 mA before the output sagged 50 µV at the output terminals.

I had the front panel fabricated by Front Panel Express, and used some Pomona 72912 series banana jacks for sheathed plugs with gold plated nickel brass contacts.
I assigned the rotary switch pushbutton to increment the voltage in steps of 250 mV, and added a momentary SPDT switch with center off position to increment and decrement the voltage by 25 mV with each toggle. This allows for quickly setting the voltage in the 5,000 step range using two controls positioned next to each other. The step settings are easily programmable in the software depending on user preference.
The front panel also has SPDT momentary switch for selecting the operational mode. Also included is an On-Off power switch.

I used an isolated USB to UART serial TTL board by Zeptobit for communications with a host computer. I had ordered several of the isolated USB Zeptobit boards several years ago, and they work well, but now seem to be permanently out-of-stock. I am currently working on my own version of the board, coming soon.
Power is supplied by an external 7.5 volt 300 mA DC power supply connected by a barrel jack and a filtering inductor / capacitor on the back panel.
I am still working on a 2‑cell lithium battery solution for fully isolated use, but it still needs some more work before I will be happy with it.

One of the areas that needs additional work is the software side of the project. It is currently operational, but could be so much better with additional development by people with expertise in that area. I can muddle my way through getting it working, but it is far from elegant.
Some things on the software to-do list are:
- Create a mode for front panel calibration of individual mV steps.
- Provide a way to backup and restore the calibration data using the display EEPROM.
- Download the calibration data to a text file
- Automatic calibration using an external calibrated meter such as a HP 3456A over GPIB
- Mode switching using the front panel mode button
- Auto calibration of the Teensy 3.2 internal ADC to match the PVR’s calibrated output
- Microprocessor and internal ADC sleep mode
- OLED display auto-off setting while leaving the unit powered on

So far the version 3.14 programmable voltage reference has exceeded my expectations. I have already used it on several projects, and I feel that currently it’s only shortcomings are the lack of a internal battery, and some software refinement.
I will also make version 3.15 schematic and board files available, there are no component changes, but I haven’t built a board yet to test that everything is still correct.
EagleCAD 7.7 schematic and board ZIP file for the PVR Version 3.14
EagleCAD sch. and board ZIP file for the PVR Version 3.15 — untested
BOM for PVR 3.14 ZIP file with PDF and Excel files
Teensyduino software sketch for Teensy 3.2 PVR on
Other files are also hosted on the Github page, including the front panel and 3D files.
Thingiverse .STL files link for 3D printed voltage reference covers
Links to OSH Park board fabrication for Version 3.14 and Version 3.15
Original design and software by C. Schnarel 2014
Programmable Voltage Reference by G. Christenson 2022 / C.Schnarel 2014 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Instead of building an isolated USB UART board, you could use a USB isolator such as an ADUM3160 to go to the USB port on the Teensy
Hi Alex,
The ADUM3160 is out-of-stock at all of my usual component suppliers and the pre-made units available only seem to use a USB‑A type connector.
Anyway, I have already built an isolated board. Isolated TTL Serial to USB 2.0 Converter
Currently working on a different 6‑pin isolator board using a different IC.
Greg (Barbouri)
Thank you for the update, unfortunately the LTC6655BH-LS8 5 volt is sold out util March next year, would this circuit also work with the 4.96V version ?
Hi Michael,
Yes, the circuit will work with the 4.096V version of the IC, but will require some software changes.
You may want to also adjust the reference power supply down from 6.4 volts to 5.5 volts for the lower voltage reference.
I have plans to use a 2.048V LTC6655 with this board, and designed the board to work with it also.
Greg (Barbouri)
Thank you for sharing the project and the front panel.
Which case did you use ?
Is this a Hammond ?
Hi Michael,
It is a Hammond Manufacturing 1455N1601BU Box Metal, Aluminum Blue End Panel(s) 6.299″ L x 4.055″ W (159.99mm x 103.00mm) X 2.087″ (53.00mm).
Greg (Barbouri)
Thank you!
Hi Greg,
What switch did you use for +/- 25mV:
Hi Alex,
I used a C&K T105LHZQE SPDT Mom-Off-Mom switch.
Greg (Barbouri)
Hi Greg, I’m studying your design and I have a question about a part. VD1 is called a 2.5K divider, and in the BOM you list it as an LM50, which is a temp sensor. I looked at some possible parts and found the MPMT5001 series. They come with .1, .5 and 1% tollerances. Can you please elaborate?
tks, Paul
Hi Paul,
I used a Vishay MPMT5001AT1 RES NTWRK 2 RES 2.5K OHM TO236‑3 for the voltage divider.
A quick check of Digikey shows out-of-stock, but the MPMT4001AT1 2.0K divider would work just as well.
It is used for the modified 2.5 volt reference on the Teensy so that a 5.0 volt output is divided to a 2.5 volt full scale reading.
It looks like I ended up using the LM50 component footprint which matches the unavailable V‑divider footprint.
Greg (Barbouri)
Hi Greg,
Could you please elaborate how you calibrated each of the 5,000 steps in 40uV? I am trying to do the same, but I would need to dive into 24LC512 programming. Is there any way to automate it? I do not have a Gpib port on my multimeter.
Another problem is that part of uChip code for calibration does not work on Teensy via USB. I am not getting any response in the Serial Monitor of Arduino 2.0.3 using carriage return at 115200 baud.
Hi Alex,
Currently the only way to adjust the offset or perform calibration in thru the Teensy 3.2 USB port.
The communications protocol is very picky and requires exactly five characters before the carriage return.
If anything is out of place in the entry string there is no response, and may look like it is non-functional.
The first character must be a ! # W U N C O or R
and must be followed by four digits before the CR, no spaces. ie #0500 to set the output to 500 mV using the programmed calibration offset.
The W (write) prefix is used to enter the calibration offset for the currently displayed output setting.
The command W0001 is used to set the calibration +76.2 microvolts from the un-calibrated output.
Greg (Barbouri)
Many thanks — very helpful.
Now I need to figure out how to automate it or do 5000 manual adjustments.…
Here is a link to the original calibration and command definition PDF’s from uChip.
Original Command definition and Cal zip file
The calibration procedure has significantly changed from the original code, and some extra commands have been added or modified. But the document describes the
basics of command entry, how to enter negative offsets, etc.
Greg (Barbouri)
Excellent! I was looking for these files, but they were deleted from Sparkfun forum.
What extra commands did you introduce?
I see that its been modified for the JC_EEPROM lib.
C for Calibration (cal programming not completed or implemented)
O for turning the OLED display Off
code lines 401–468 for 1st digit commands
No need to “dive into 24LC512 programming” as it uses the excellent Arduino EEPROM Library by Jack Christensen
Greg (Barbouri)
Many thanks again,
I saw these C and O options are not finished. I’ll have a crack at C — I suppose the idea is to offset the whole range from 0–5000mV by an offset value inputted here.
The original intent of the C (Calibrate) function was to put the PVR in a mode that allowed the use of the front panel switch and rotary encoder to easily change the calibration offset using a connected calibrated meter on the output.
Instead of typing in offsets thru the USB port, the offset could be changed using the +/- 25 mV switch in 76.2 uV increments with real time changes shown on the meter, entered and stored using the rotary push-button, and then move on to the next setting using the rotary dial.
A nice addition would be to automatically use the last offset setting for the next output setting, and then just press the push-button to save if the output is within cal limits.
Typically the output stays within cal for many steps before needing to be changed, and then it only needs to change by one cal step.
Greg (Barbouri)
Did you notice that the Rotary.h lib is not working properly even if putting r.begin(true); in the setup?
Only LED in the encoder. The lib works properly alone. Compatibility issues?
I am using a custom rotary encoder board with a RC network to slightly stretch the encoder pulses, which has made the encoder operational, but it still sometimes misses pulses if I turn it quickly.
My guess is that the pulses are changing so fast that the library is missing them, or I am using the library incorrectly.
Unfortunately once I had it mostly working I never went back to fully resolve the issue.
Greg (Barbouri)
The encoder worked fine in 2.12.
I have these warning when compiling and I think the problem might be here?
VoltageReferenceProgrammable_v3.15-latest.ino:221:16: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
if (refVal > MAXVAL) refVal = 1;
Hi Greg.
After going back and forth for some time I can conclude the following:
- Rotary.h is not reliable with Teensy. It works really well with Arduino Uno and and similar ATMEGA328P IC;
This was driving me nuts, I could not set 3.000V but 3.001 as the encoder was always missing 1–2 pulses;
- is much better to use with Teensy;
- I am modified it to use this LED i2c Encoder —‑1/?v=79cba1185463
There is a lib for this board where debouncing can be specified. Works really well;
- I understand that you went different way modifying the encoder adding 100nF caps and some resistors. Works too;
I’m curious what the reason is for the “spider leg” method you used for the bandgap reference on this board design. It is interesting and I have not seen this done before. Is it for noise or thermal isolation?
Hi John,
The main reason for the cutouts is for mechanical stress from thermal and humidity expansion of the surrounding FR4 printed circuit board material.
Page 16 of the LTC6655 data touches on this issue. Analog Devices Application Note 82 goes into much more depth in optimizing voltage references.
An additional advantage of slotting the PC board is that the LTC6655 is more thermally isolated from surrounding circuitry. This can reduce thermocouple effects and improve accuracy also.
The spider legs and 3D printed thermal enclosure with Aerogel, kind of take this isolation to an extreme, but every little bit of improvement counts.
Greg (Barbouri)
Hi Creg,
Can Teensy 4.0 can be used for this project?
Cannot source Teensy 3.2 any more.
Hi Alex,
Unfortunately the Teensy 4.0 is not compatible.
The main issue that I see is the missing pins for using the external reference, which affects the output monitoring.
Greg (Barbouri)